Goal weights are used to prioritize goals and assign relative importance to each goal. A goal's weight is a numerical value indicating its importance in relation to other goals.

Assigning goal weights is typically done by the manager or supervisor in consultation with the employee. It involves giving a percentage to each goal, which adds up to 100%.

The weight given to each goal is based on its relative importance to the employee's job responsibilities, the organization's objectives, and the employee's development needs.

For example, if an employee has three goals: improving customer satisfaction, increasing sales revenue, and completing a certification program, the manager might assign weights of 40%, 30%, and 30%, respectively.

This means that improving customer satisfaction is the most important goal, followed by increasing sales revenue and completing the certification program.

By assigning goal weights, employees can prioritize their efforts toward the most critical goals, and managers can assess performance based on the relative importance of each goal.

However, it's important to note that goal weights should not be seen as a rigid hierarchy but rather as a guideline for prioritization. Employees should still strive to achieve all their goals, even if some have a lower weight.

Goal weights in Performance reviews

Performance reviews use goal weights to assess an employee's progress towards achieving their goals and to determine their overall performance rating.

Here is how goal weights are used in performance reviews:

Set Goal Weights: The manager sets goal weights for each goal based on their relative importance.

For example, if an employee has three goals with weights of 40%, 30%, and 30% respectively, the manager might assign the following weights to each rating

Evaluate Goal Achievement: Managers evaluate employee progress towards goals and assign ratings accordingly.

The most common rating scale used to rate goals in performance reviews is the 5-point Likert scale. This scale typically includes five levels of performance, with each level defined by descriptive statements or specific criteria. The five levels can be labeled as follows:

1. Poor or Unsatisfactory: The employee does not meet the performance expectations or fails to achieve the goals set for them.

2. Below Average or Needs Improvement: The employee shows some progress but still falls short of meeting the desired goals or performance expectations.

3. Average or Meets Expectations: The employee meets the performance expectations and achieves the goals set for them.

4. Above Average or Exceeds Expectations: The employee consistently performs above the set expectations and surpasses the goals.

5. Outstanding or Exceptional: The employee demonstrates exceptional performance, far exceeding expectations and goals.

Weighted Goal Achievement: The manager multiplies each goal achievement score by its corresponding goal weight to determine the weighted goal achievement score. For example, if the employee's achievement scores are 4, 3, and 5 respectively, and the goal weights are 40%, 30%, and 30%, the weighted achievement scores would be:

  • Goal 1: 1.6 (4 x 0.4)
  • Goal 2: .9 (3 x 0.3)
  • Goal 3: 1.5 (5 x 0.3)

Calculate Overall Goal Achievement: The weighted achievement scores are added together to determine the employee's overall goal achievement score. In this example, the employee's overall score would be 4.00 (1.6 + .9 + 1.5), equivalent to exceeding expectations.

By weighting goal achievement scores, managers can evaluate employee performance more objectively and consider each goal's relative importance.

This approach also allows for more targeted feedback and development planning, as employees can focus on improving their performance in areas that are most critical to their role and the organization's success.